Now cookin’ at 7946 Fischer Steele Rd. in Cordova, TN
Visit us at the commercial kitchen where we manufacture our popcorn…Memphis Kitchen Co-op … at 7946 Fischer Steel Road, Cordova. It’s a beautiful space put together by Richard and Molly McCracken. The Co-op offers small food companies
the equipment and facilities, space and time. The couple also owns EatAmlified, a healthy meal service that offers breakfast, lunch and
dinner items.
The kitchen includes a marketplace store open to customers Sunday 11:00 to 5:00 … Monday thru Thursday 10:00 until 6:00 and Friday and Saturday from 9:00 ‘til 4:00. Select from a wide variety … not to mention the full flavor range of Wolf River popcorns.
Check out the Co-op at
Or, if you‘re a foodie, come purchase something great to eat.
Top Popper
The wold’s largest popcorn popper
is at least 18 feet tall and pops approximately 100 pounds of popcorn
seed at a time. Wonder how large
the kettle is?
It was buit by Cretors, a manufacturer of popcorn equipment in Chicago, for an early TV show. And guess what?
It still pops.
We use Cretors’ equipment,
so it was fun for Jim and Paul to see
such an unusual popper when they
visited the manufacturing facility.
The photo says it all. I wonder
if it takes a giant to operate it!
Drop in for a taste of
our newest flavor…
Chocolate at Midnight!
Each kernel is completely coated with Hershey’s dark chocolate…
it’s sweet but not too sweet…it’s a
true taste of chocolate with the same wonderful after-taste that lingers.
You won’t find any other chocolate
made like this! it’s crunchy…a dark
brown chocolate like no other
Introducing New Packaging
The same pouch style bag, heat sealed at the top for freshness with a zipper to close, is now a white pouch
made of matt white foile. The
shelf-life is six months so don’t hesitate to order early for the
holiday season.
Look for this label when the craving
for chocolate and try our newest flavor. It’s NOT drizzled…it’s totally
coated with crunchy goodness.